Save Money This Winter--5 Free and Easy Ways to Reduce Your Heating Bill
Winter is here and with it, the eternal temperature struggle. You want to be warm, so you crank up the thermostat. Then, the heating bill arrives. After figuring out how to pay that alarming amount, you decide there must be a way to stay warm and not break your bank account.
Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve looked into the best ways to keep a low heating bill and found some great, simple ideas. Here are five free and easy ways to reduce your heating bill this winter.
1. Set your thermostat at a lower number.
True, this step isn’t very glamorous. After all, you do have to cede and agree keep your house at a slightly cooler temperature. However, you will be surprised to discover what a financial difference it makes to lower your house temperature a degree or two.
In many cases, the slightly lower temperature can mean significant financial savings. Even if you didn’t make any other changes at all, this one step can reduce your monthly bill.
If you are having other issues with your furnace, take a look at this article about troubleshooting a broken furnace.
2. Make sure your vents and radiators are clear and clean.
Sometimes, our furniture isn’t the best fit for our room. Maybe the couch is too big or you don’t quite have enough room for your dresser. Furniture and the look of the room can sometimes take priority in the moment. When winter rolls around, you might want to reevaluate your decorative choices.
By having a piece of furniture blocking a vent or radiator, you decrease the amount of heat that that particular room will receive. Essentially, you are doing the equivalent of shutting the vent in that room.
If you have any rooms in your house that feel particularly cold, scoot your furniture to take a look around. Are you blocking your heat source, preventing heat from being shared with the room? Remember, even if you have a floor vent and a piece of furniture that sits up off the floor, you’re still blocking that vent.
Take the time to find a temporary new location for any items that might have been blocking your heat source. Then, when you’re certain that your heat sources aren’t blocked by furniture, check to make sure that they’re clean.
According to, dust can act as an insulator. This would prevent heat from moving freely around the room. While you’re cleaning, make sure to wipe down the baseboards near your heat vent or radiator.
3. Use a fan.
Heat rises. When warm air blows into a room, it gradually makes its way up toward the ceiling. In order to encourage that warm air near you ceiling to come be closer to you, run a fan on a low setting. As this air moves upward, it will force the warm air to move down. This heats you and your room better.
4. Seal your house.
In winter, you want to keep the cold air outside of your house. One of the absolute best (and cheapest) ways to do this is to make sure that you’ve got your house closed up. Check that all your windows are completely shut.
Close the chimney flue when your fireplace is not in use. When the flue isn’t closed, cold air blows down through it and into your room. This ends up cooling your room when your heat source is not in use.
Also, make sure to completely close your exterior doors each time you or your family members enter or exit the house. An open door will really let your house cool down quickly, so encourage your co-habitants to be particularly mindful about the exterior doors.
5. Strategically use your curtains and window shades.
Weak seals around windows is a common cause of cold rooms. If you have a window that you know is a little leaky, make sure to keep its curtain or shade pulled during winter. This can help prevent cold air from blowing directly into your room.
If you don’t have any curtains or shades up, make some temporary curtains with a large blanket. Keep your windows covered particularly at night when temperatures are coldest. This will help keep your room warmer.
Also, if you have north-facing and south-facing windows, you can strategically raise and lower your shades to make the most of the natural heat that the sun provides. Open your shades or curtains on south-facing windows during the day to benefit the most from the sun’s light.
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